
Posts Tagged ‘frustration’

In my last blog I wrote that it is common for one person to be the decision maker, leader, boss, or, whatever you want to call it, in a relationship. Sometimes that person is aware of it and takes advantage of his dominance; sometimes it comes about in a very subtle way, as I described in many European marriages I witnessed as a child.

The whole subject got me thinking about the person or persons who are being dominated, be they wives, children, office workers, farm hands, secretaries, etc. I think sometimes people are content to be bossed around because it takes the responsibility of making decisions away from them. It is my feeling about people who follow certain religious leaders who dictate to others how they are to live their lives.

Most usual, in my opinion, people are not happy to be controlled in any way. How do they then deal with their discontent? They may seek to dethrone the dominant person by fighting for his/her position as in a family, business, law office, etc. Perhaps they will do as I did when I felt I could not live being dominated by my father. I left the household and moved to another city. I have known others who have left their religion, their job, and even their family.

For me it is clear that being bossed/dominated does not work in the long run. What I didn’t know was that my family members would eventaully follow me to me new home city, forcing me then to take over the leadership position. I hope I didn’t abuse that power.

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This is a weird week , this week between X’Mas and New Years’ Day. I don’t know quite what to do with myself. Everytime I get an idea about something that must be done, like having the thermostat fixed in my house so that I can get the heat up above sixty-five degree, I am frustrated.  I called a repair man and got a message telling me he’ll be back on January 4th. And then I wonder if my cleaning service will show up on Thursday which actually is New Years’ Eve day. That is December 31st and nobody wants to drive their car fearing  some drunk driver, wanting to start celebrating early, would drive into their car. My phone call to the cleaning service confirmed my suspicions. I am stuck with having to clean my house myself. Doesn’t seem fair to me … although the excercise will do me good … but I really prefer to get my excercise on the tennis court.

I decided to catch up on all my old e-mails; there were twenty-seven of them. When I began to read all the comments posted I found out that a handful of the group members had identified a disgreement amoung themselves and became pretty nasty attacking each other personally. I don’t need that. Delete! Delete! Delete!

I’ve started my next work … my next writing project. I really got into it one day and was completely immersed in the time and place I was writing about. My characters even began to come into focus. I was going ninety miles an hour on my yellow writing pad when the phone rang. It was someone calling to wish me Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! That was nice … except it took me completely out of my zone. I put the writing pad down. No wonder they call this the “dead week between Christmas and New Years.’

I’ve decided to blog about my frustrating state of mind and so far I haven’t been interrupted. I’ll just close by wishing all you good people a very Happy and Healthy and Successful New Year!

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The good news is that husband and I weren’t hurt. The bad news is that it is all so much work, especially when it was no fault of my own and the other driver is insane. More on this later…

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